Work in progress!!!

I don't know HTML or anything. The page will get fancier as I learn it! One day soon it'll be all kinds of fancy, and you'll get to see my neat image edits and my mountains of worldbuilding stuff!

As is, I'm simply putting everything I learn on here. So it'll look cluttered and m e s s y !

Things I Like

Favorite 2hu By Game

Good Taste:
Game Character
Subterranean Animism Satori Komeiji
Ten Desires Mononobe no Futo
Double Dealing Character Seija Kijin

Favorite Books

The Goblin Emperor
- I really like how "soft boy," this one is. Really comfy read!
The Slow Regard of Silent Things
- I enjoy how quirky the perspective is, and the prose is gorgeous. Really influential for my style.
The Library at Mount Char
- I like weird shit with cool edgy women.

Here is a cute gif!

I hope you like it!

Rin Dancing