Spice & Wolf
One of my first anime, way back in 2009!
The economics and romance drama are both
excellent. The OP makes me cry. A classic for a reason!
One of my first anime, way back in 2009!
The economics and romance drama are both
excellent. The OP makes me cry. A classic for a reason!
It's weird and the only fanservicey anime I
like. Everyone gets so much character development,
and even when you think they're done, they get even more. Ougi and Nadeko are my favorites!
Urban fantasy murder mystery! #5 is one of my favorite movies; it's so well-directed and
paced, the music is excellent, and Ryougi Shiki is the coolest Type/Moon protagonist.
Selamat pagi! One of the few comedy anime I like, and I love it enough to make up for
that. It's so cute and ridiculous. "As a child you think you're Mai, but adulthood is realizing you're Yuuko," is what I like to say about it.
It's long, and dry, and has extremely well-written debates. It covers so many angles and never gets dull. Julian is my namesake!
I first watched this as
a kid; it broke my brain and made me obsessed with the internet and glitchy retro stuff. It only gets more influential for me by the year. I wouldn't be on this site without Lain!
Kero-chan CHECK! I love mahou shoujo, but Sakura just can't be beaten. She's the best there is! The series is so cute and sweet and so lovingly animated. It never fails to cheer me up.