

I don't love dark fantasy - but I love Berserk. The art is fantastic and it has so
much heart. You get low-fantasy medieval warfare, you get high-fantasy weirdness, you get neat magic and tons of witches... it's just really good!


Atmospheric and moody, really bleak, little dialogue. It's just such a fascinating setting
with nothing else like it. You can get lost in the pages and endless hallways of the city very easily.


Shocking! My favorite and most lovable cast of horrible murderers! It's weird and messy and
everyone is terrible and also amazing. I can't help but root for everyone.

Oyasumi Punpun

I stayed home from school to read this all day, the first time. Well-written psychological
stuff, and I especially like the different forms Punpun is given throughout!

JoJo 4: Diamond is Unbreakable

My favorite JoJo part! I really love the small town vibe, and it's pretty
cozy all in all. I like the large recurring cast, and I think it has JoJo's best villain. Nicely colored, too!


3 chapters, will never be finished. I have no idea what's happening in it! But the art is
amazingly good. It feels like some sort of awful drug trip and that's how it should feel!