About Me

Hi! Nice to meet you!! My name is Phantasm (or Phan, for short)! Or Julian (or Juli, for short)! I'm a 26-year-old catboy from the US and this is my site (of course). I'm gender non-conforming and bi, and really strive to give off a soft and warm vibe!

I've always been fascinated by 'old Internet' because little me just caught the tail of it but never got to immerse; there's a fun sense of nostalgia and mystery there. So having a site is really exciting!

I'm a big fan of writing and reading, if you couldn't tell by the site's theme! The written word is something very important to me. I'm a constant worldbuilder and have been working on the same project for over a decade now! Check the section on it!

I have a lot of interests beyond wordy stuff, and you can just check the sidebars or my shrines for those - but my two most important interests are Touhou and TTRPGS! I'm an obsessive super-fan of both in general.

I'm also disabled (wrists & hand stuff) and was recently diagnosed with OCD, which is Super CoolTM. It took me SO LONG to accept these pages as 'good enough'.

If you'd like to contact me, I'm happy to chat (but can be pretty shy). Maybe even on Discord if you're cool!! But first, my email is: phantasmaldreamer@protonmail.com!
